Water Damages under Toilets

Nowadays, you can’t imagine a house without at least one toilet room in it. Toilets and the water circulating within them are part and parcel of every house and apartment. The problem begins when the toilets’ plumbing start to give way or have not been properly installed to begin with. It’s very common to find water leaks from toilets and the water damages they cause. It’s even more common to find homeowners who’re oblivious to the possible outcomes of such leaks and damages.

What are the dangers of water damages underneath toilets?

The main risks of water damages in restrooms can largely be divided into two:

  • Floor deterioration: water is a relentless force of nature. Wherever there is a way out, water will find it. As it will find its way it will wear down and weaken your floor and the materials holding it together. This means that your bathroom’s floor may actually be a lot weaker than it seems to be.
  • Mold and malodor: the constant presence of water and humidity is a fertile breeding ground for mold. Mold can cause malodor at best, or contaminated breathing air at worst by releasing mold spores into the air. These spores are inhaled by people living in the house and can develop serious health issues.

San Mateo Restoration – undoing water damages under toilets

If you have any reason to suspect that there are water damages in your restroom, under the toilet, or anywhere else, you’d be well advised to immediately contact a professional. We invite you to call our 24/7 available dispatch center. Our professional technicians will easily and professionally take care of the problem and offer an extensive long-term solution.